Freight Logistics Rates in UK
Optimise your freight logistics with our comprehensive pricing information for specific routes across the UK
How does it work?
Price estimates are carefully calculated using a combination of key sources, including load type, fuel prices, drivers wages, inflation, and market demand. The service utilises historical data and actual closed freight deals to predict how prices will change throughout the year. This unique approach can assist in you in predicting current and future logistics costs.
Market visibility for Shippers
Shippers can obtain accurate and reliable price estimates, allowing them to plan and budget accordingly. Additionally, it can help shippers to identify trends in the industry and make proactive adjustments to their logistics strategy, leading to increased efficiency and reduced transportation costs.
Better quotes for Carriers
Logistics price estimates can be a valuable asset for carriers who want to stay ahead of the competition. With Freight Cost, carriers can access the latest market insights and pricing trends to make more informed decisions when quoting shippers.
Carriers can also use our quotation widget on their own website to provide their customers with custom quotes.
Free Website Widget for Freight Companies
A user-friendly website widget can allow your website visitors to easily request freight services. Respond with custom quotes and win new business by providing a convenient and efficient experience on your website.